Creating is Hard... Creating Content is Easy

First things first,

​This is my last letter for 2024, so I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

​I've been writing these letters every week for the last two months and I can honestly say I have enjoyed writing every single one of them.

​It's always been a goal of mine to connect with more of my audience off social media and have a platform where we can dive deeper into a topic beyond 90 seconds on Instagram. And I feel like this is definitely succeeding as that platform.

​Next year is going to be huge.

​I have so many plans and announcements to make throughout 2025, all of which are oriented around proving you more value and helping you build your personal brand. So stay tuned for all of that!

Anywho, onto the topic of this week's email:

​Creating content is hard.

​Creating content is easy.

​The thing is, both are true.

​But it's entirely up to how you approach it.

Most people find creating content too difficult because they overcomplicate their entire process. They overthink everything or force themselves to work on projects that don't align with their skills or interests because they think that is what they need to create. So they force themselves to show up every single day, hoping that one day they'll start to enjoy it.

​Here's the problem with forcing it;

​If you're trying to create content in a format you hate for a platform you don't enjoy, you are treating yourself to the wonderful ingredients that, once combined, cause burnout.

​If you fight against your natural preference of being a creator, every step will feel like a chore regardless of what you tell yourself.

​That's when content creation becomes "hard".

​If you want to do this long-term (and be happy while doing it), flip the script.

​Create content you actually like.

​If you enjoy writing, write.

​If you love speaking, film talking heads.

​Always play to your strengths.

​Then, choose a platform that feels natural to you.

​Not every creator belongs on every platform–and that's okay.

​Earlier this year, I tried to start filming YouTube vlogs. I had done it before many, many years ago (no, you cannot have access to these old videos... lol), so I thought I could bring them back, and it would help build a better connection with my audience.

​I hated it.

​I felt distracted all day as I was constantly thinking of what to film instead of what I was supposed to be doing that day. It just felt like a pure mission.

​I knew that if I kept at it, I would resent it fairly quickly, so I stopped.

​I do plan on picking up YouTube again in the future, but it won't be vlogs. Probably more like longer-form talking head videos. Again–play to your strengths.

​The thing is, if you remove any and all unnecesary friction to your process. If you simply your process. The easier it will be to show up consistently.

​The less resistance the better. Always.

​When you do find the format, platform and style that is in alignment with you, your best content will very quickly start to show itself. When you enjoy what you're creating, it shows–and your audience can feel it, too, trust me.

​So ask yourself: What's making my process harder than it needs to be?

​Identify it and cut it out immediately.

​Double down on the style, formats and platforms that gives you energy.

​Showing up consistently and growing your audience follow naturally when you enjoy the process.

​That's all for this week.

By the way, if your goal for 2025 is to take your personal brand seriously (I honestly can't think of a more valuable way to dedicate 2025), then I highly recommend you check out my program, The Authentic Creator Blueprint.

​It's a beginner-friendly program that gives you everything you need to know to get started and keep going with your personal brand.

​Happy New Year! Time to take 2025 to another level!

Talk to you very soon.

Toby Davis


Stick to Your Gold


Why Getting Hate is a Good Thing